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Working with groups is by definition a creative adventure and the arts can be your greatest ally. These experiential professional development trainings will allow you to gain in-depth hands-on understanding and application of PYE’s proven arts-based model of for group facilitation and leadership.

This workshop provides a framework for using arts-based practices to strengthen your effectiveness as a facilitator. Participants develop basic skills in using the arts to facilitate groups of all sizes and a large tool-box of easy to lead activities.

The training gives participants strategies for engaging a full range of learning styles and bringing out the strengths of group members. In the process, participants build their confidence in their own creativity and recognize that you don’t have to be a professional artist to use the arts in your work with people of all ages, particularly youth.

This workshop is for anyone who works with groups of youth or adults as well as for people who simply want to enhance their own creativity: youth workers, educators, artists, trainers, facilitators, business leaders, and the general public.

Join us and Learn:

  • Basic Facilitation Skills
    Questioning, processing, listening, authentic speaking, contextualization, debriefing, working with a co-facilitator
  • Effective Communication
    Non-violent, relational, and challenge-based communication; relational and rapport building skills
  • Group Dynamics
    Understanding what makes groups tick; getting comfortable working with young people, their emotions and issues
  • Personal Development
    Understanding your triggers; learning how to claim and hold the space; understanding your strengths and challenges as a leader
  • Cultural Competency
    Understanding the dynamics of working with youth and adults from diverse cultures. How to be an ally for all youth.
  • Presentation Skills
    Getting comfortable speaking in front of groups; projecting your voice; clear communication; being able to think on your feet
  • Creative Arts Skills
    Using image and metaphor in teaching; basic activities from theater, creative writing, poetry, visual arts, music, movement, and rhythm
  • Program Design Skills
    Elements of a strong program; how to design experiential learning programs


October 2016 - Feb 2017 
5 Month Intensive (One weekend per month)

Click this link for more details!

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